Fluxys Belgium: ICT Infrastructure planned maintenance


Dear Customer,        

In order to maintain an appropriate level of services to our clients, the implementation of the following important changes on our ICT infrastructure is planned:


  • TLS 1.2 (Transport Layer Security):  As from Februari 19th 2020, Fluxys Belgium will only allow communication through the TLS 1.2 protocol that provides privacy and data integrity. Communication with older versions of the TLS protocol (TLS1.1, TLS1.0, SSL) will no longer be supported. All the exchanged data and messages will be impacted. More detailed information can be found here.
  • Invoice XML and invoice detail XML:  The new regulated tariffs for Fluxys Belgium will be in force as from January 1st 2020. Therefore the invoice XML and invoice detail XML have been adapted (manual download). Changes consist of new CustomerProductCodes, as well as changes to the components in the price formulas (e.g. introduction of the NYM – Non-Yearly Multiplier). We also used the opportunity to simplify the scaling of quantities and unit prices to the concerned period.  The first invoices drawn up according to this new structure will be published on January 10th 2020. More detailed information can be found in the document ‘Product Sheet Transmission Tariffs 2020’.


To ensure that your internal processes will continue to run smoothly, please undertake the necessary steps to inform the right people within your company to implement these changes.


Best regards,

The Commercial Team

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